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custom menu template design


Your menu templates and how they look are a direct representation of your restaurant, food, and brand. A menu template that is precisely thought out can have a notable influence on sales and what items you sell more off while also have a potential effect on guest return rates.

Factors of Bad Menu Template Design


In the long run, your business will prosper if you cover the basics and design your menu right. By know what factors contribute to a poorly designed menu template, we will know how to design our own restaurant's menu. Traits of an inadequately composed menu include:


  • An excessive amount of items

  • Generic item names and descriptions

  • Stock food images and clipart

  • Menu colors are inconsistent with your logo and interior


Restaurant Menu Template Design Foundations


A restaurant menu that stands out and grabs your attention while remaining consistent with your brand image goes a long way with branding and your image. From separating you from the competition to improving your chances of being remembered, a well-designed menu will take your restaurant to the next level!



Top 8 Food Menu Template Tips

1. Menu Templates


During the initial menu template design and selection phase, it is essential that you identify and go with a menu template that is in alignment with your brand's image and feelings. If you are a family-focused fast-casual restaurant and go with a sports bar menu template, you're going against your brand's image.


Another thing to look for with menu design templates is the overall arrangement and how it flows with your menu categories and an overall number of items. If you select a menu template that is photo-rich and limits the number of items that you can feature, you may have to re-design the menu template. This adds time to getting your restaurant menu template designed. 

2. How eyeballs move


Many times it is said that when the guest first open your menu, they will look at the middle fold, scan to the upper right, then back across to the left. Other studies say that 1/3 of guests order the first item that they say. So with this being said, we suggest blending both together. This incorporates the best of both studies to maximize your sales. 


In the middle, upper right, and left feature your highest margin items. For the first two items of each food, the category makes sure they are also the highest margin items of that category.


3. Less Is More


A busy menu template brings a level of complication and indecisive to guests. By offering too many items, you are extending sit times, slowing down table turn. In addition, the more items you have, the fewer people label you as having unique food. 


By focusing on key food type categories and designing a more niche style menu, you will strengthen your brand while making it easier for a customer to order! Another benefit of a smaller menu is you are reducing the burden on the kitchen and operations.


Try removing the non-selling items to condense your menu, and work on freeing up space. This opens up the area, making your menu easier to read. 


4. Organization 


Look at ways to focus attention on your higher-margin items while setting up the menu template to flow visually. Try highlighting specific items, adding boxes, lines, stars, and colors across the layout of your menu to organize the categories arrangement.


5. No more Dollar Symbols


Your mind has been trained for youth to associate $$ with the cost. By removing the dollar symbol, you will help to remove the subconscious association to price, allowing your guests to focus on the item rather than price. 


To take it a step furth, remove the pricing column on the right and the item cost at the end of each description. This strategy moves people away from price shopping and refocuses them on reading the description first.


6. Narrative Writing


Descriptive words evoke emotion. Words like rich, homemade, and delectable create demand. They get the imagination going and create demand. By getting your guests excited about a meal, you are setting the tone for quality while creating an additional reason for them to come back and try another item.


Remember, don't overdo it, though. Be honest with your descriptions, be direct, and stay away from an unrealistic statement like "Worlds Famous Bacon Burger." That is a broad and generic statement that guests have probably seen before.


Expert tip - take the time to craft some killer item names and descriptions into your menu template, 2 out of 10 restaurants have good writing, and the odds are you probably remember them to this day.


7. Imagery


Because people buy with their eyes, using a stock image of food is a big no-no. If the image looks nothing like the food, you can open the door up to complaints. 


If you are taking your photos, make sure to use a 10+ megapixel camera; for backdrops, keep it simple with white, black, or stainless steel color. That is clean and brings contrast to the image. If the images come out so-so, don't use them. You want stunning to inspire demand!




Just because a food menu template is flashy, it doesn't mean it will be their perfect fit for your restaurant. Always remember to review the details of it and ask you're seld, does the menu template match my brand?



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